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Sui U Machinery & Tools (M) Sdn Bhd (SETAPAK)
22 & 26, Jalan 9/23A, Medan Makmur Off Jalan Usahawan, Setapak, 53200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
+603-6735 8283


IRWIN IRWIN5"MPV 5" Multipurpose Mechanic Vice

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IRWIN IRWIN5"MPV 5" Multipurpose Mechanic Vice Clamp/Vise Metal Working Machine
RM 534.00
16 kg
37 cm (L) x 21 cm (W) x 23 cm (H)
In Stock

- The body ans sliding jaw are cast from close-grained grey iron which is machined on all friction surfaces for a smooth,reliable action
- Main screw made drom hardened,high-quality steel
- Anvil included on the rear of the body
- Swivel base allows for 360-degree rotation
- Safety stop system prevents the life slide from being separated from the body
- Hardened steel jaws extend the life of the jaws and are replaceable
- Unbreakable S.G. Iron Nut can be replaces when worn
- Fused Steel Handle will bend before the vice can be overstressed
- Twin-Start rolled acme cold rolled thread for faster and smoother operation
- Brand £º IRWIN
- Model £º IRWIN5''MPV
- Vice Type : Multi-purpose bench vice
- Jaw width : 125mm
- Jaw Opening : 125mm
- Jaw depth : 70mm
- Mounting Bolts
- Swivel base : 360°

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